Transforming the way Military Units and Associations connect and support their entire family.

The Military App is a mobile and web-app community platform for veterans, serving soldiers and their families that is strengthening connection, building support and driving in-person engagement. The Military App has been specifically designed for Unit and Regimental HQs and Associations, operating as a non MOD platform to transform the way they can communicate with, connect and support members across their entire Regimental / Corps Family.

An introduction for Corps, Unit and Regimental HQs

Each Regiment or Military Unit has a primary group sending notifications to all members for updates and events. This model is showing a x20 higher engagement rate for Regimental groups compared to averages on Big Tech social media platforms. There is a pinboard to share photos, updates and digital Journals. Plus we will help your community create branded private groups to strengthen unit identity and build esprit de corps. Member’s identity shows their cap-badge as well as any number of affiliated or antecedent regiments / units, plus their service dates and postings, giving each member the option to search for and connect with comrades, past friends or those living locally.

One Global Community

Designed to drive positive, human connection.

A platform supporting members and helping communities build quality engagement and shared activity.


Rebuild community, in person, by enabling regular human engagement


A safe and supportive community with the member in the centre
iPhone mockup


Peer support at the heart of positive group accountability and awareness


Improve mental & physical wellbeing with in-person activity, goals and a common purpose

Research shows that the Military App improves the welfare of veterans

The results of a repeated measures research survey conducted by the University of Bristol School of Psychological Science, showed clear evidence of improvement across five of the six indicators used to evaluate social connection, loneliness and wellbeing.

A completely different offering to other platforms...

Although each member enters the platform through their Regimental or Unit space, they quickly have the option to connect and engage with people, events and groups across the entire Military App community, made up of thousands of members, hundreds of existing events and an extensive range of support:

We have 70+ of our own Walk+Talks and Coffee & Breakfast Clubs all across the UK & internationally; We have 10 professional career groups where members are offering peer support to veterans and service leavers, as well as a job board and advice group run by a leading ex-military employment expert; We have over twenty wellbeing and interest group covering Military History with Dan Snow to Mindfulness or Pilates instruction; Our What’s On events board hosts not only the community events but also hundreds of events happening all across the military and veteran community, from veterans’ hubs to career fairs…

And your members can plug into this from day one without any extra capacity needed from your HQ team.

Building Connection and Support...

The Military App was designed alongside leading academics and a medical advisory group to use Messaging, Group, Events, Connection, Pinboard and Notifications functions to build connection, wellbeing and engagement. Early assessment showed that 98% of members engaging in Military App activities felt more connected to their Regimental Community and 89% feel a greater sense of purpose. Subsequently the University of Bristol School of Psychological Science conducted a preliminary online study to evaluate change in key indicators of social connection, loneliness and wellbeing before and after engagement among ex-military members. The results indicate clear evidence of improvement across five of the six indicators used to evaluate social connection, loneliness and wellbeing.

Engagement levels in groups, events, chat and content on the Military App are growing faster membership numbers, showing that sustained organic growth from within the community is working.

Our Services...

Unlike other digital systems available in this space, we are not just giving access to a platform and leaving the Military Unit or Association with the extremely difficult task of growing and managing engagement. We know this is unrealistic and will not work with the resources available.

Human Engagement

The Military App team work with Unit or Regimental HQs / Associations all the way through the process. We are on-hand and will pick up all the workload needed for a successful launch and continued operation.


Our technical expertise comes from our co-founders and is not outsourced to a third party. Our Communities have direct tech support from people who know and understand the platform and the people using it.


Multi-Channel Communication across your members and CRM/Other mailing lists. Support with marketing and promotion within your community. The Military App will transform your reach to your members, delivering x20 higher engagement rates than typical social media platforms.
A strategic approach to drive positive, human connection and support across the entire military and veteran community.
Working with Military Units & Associations as well as acting as a strategic connective tissue across the wider veteran & serving community means that the Military App model is scalable and sustainable.

The Veteran Community is being critically let down by Big Tech...

When an organisation posts on big tech social media they have no way of knowing how many of their 'followers' will receive their post in their news feed. They have no way of knowing how many will ever see it and they have almost no control over the process of getting their important messages to their members. This model will not change as long as big tech is built on a commercial model of selling data. Total 'followers' numbers are also highly misleading when assessing an organisation's reach:

Engagement on Regimental
Social Media groups
0.4-0.05% Engagement on veteran charity
Social Media groups
*Figures based scross average  "likes" on 20 posts across three main  Social Media platforms for a sample pool of organisation groups.

On average Regimental groups on social media have engagement rates of 1% of the follower base...

This means 1 in 100 is getting the message. For veteran charities this rate is much lower, typically between 1 in 200 to 1 in 2000. In a modern age where the military & veteran community is under enough pressure already, this communication model is unacceptable and it is time for leaders and decision makers to push for better and support digital platforms like the Military App that are designed to serve the community and its members, not a mis-aligned business model.

We’ve had nearly 2000 Fusiliers and family sign up already and we are already seeing a veteran community that is better connected than anything we have seen before - walks, breakfasts, coffee clubs - all born of an ability to share information and connect the wider Regimental family.

Col (Retd) JW Denny MBE
Reg Sec The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers

We conducted a preliminary online study to evaluate change in key indicators of social connection, loneliness and wellbeing before and after engagement with the Military App among ex-military members, by comparing repeated measures survey levels before and after engagement with the app. The results indicate clear evidence of improvement across five of the six indicators used to evaluate social connection, loneliness and wellbeing.

Marcus Munafò
Professor of Biological Psychology and MRC Investigator,
School of Psychological Science, University of Bristol

Our new App and Web App, Fusiliers Connect has been a huge success so far. It's been incredibly well received at all levels and the sign ups have so far exceeded our expectations. Feedback has been incredibly positive with members saying how easy the process was to sign up and that this will change the way we communicate across the regiment. None of this would have been possible without the hard work and expertise from Robin and Ben at the Military App. They have guided us through the whole process, been on hand whenever we needed them and become part of our team. We're all excited about what lies ahead and know they will be with us every step of the way.

Gini Wilde
Communications and Fusiliers Connect Project Team - RRF RHQ

For stretched and often under-resourced Regimental Associations and RHQs, the Military App service provides a transformative solution without the need for extensive in-house skills and capacity.  This is why the Fusiliers, after an extensive tender process, selected the Military App as the platform to connect and support our members.

Capt (Retd) Andy Harris
Assistant Regimental Secretary - The Fusiliers

From agreeing to go ahead with the Military App we launched in under 3 weeks. The Military App team came along to Cavalry Sunday to launch the App with the Royal Yeomanry and were great at engaging with our members. We are already seeing a hugely positive effect on both our serving soldiers and veterans.

Lt Col Simon McMenemy
Royal Yeomanry Regimental Association

The Military App and its activities have exponentially increased the number of in-person touch points for our veterans and families, and the impact on welfare and community is transformational.

Captain Chris Elliot
Community Manager - Blues and Royals Association

I think this for vets will take over Facebook and 100% this app will save lives. I think this could be my new favourite app!

Brian Erskine
HCav veteran and mental health champion

The impact the Military App and its engagements has had on my life and the lives of a group of veterans around me in North Devon is extremely important. Living in a new part of the country and then going through a life-changing process of grief, meant that I have been isolated and without purpose. The Military App has given me the digital tools and human support to help me connect with veterans close to my new home. Now I run a group where five or six of us meet every couple of weeks - we talk, share stories and we support each other. This social impact really matters and because of the Military App it is happening all over the UK.

Mike Middleton
Blues and Royals Veteran

Transforming the way Regiments and Military Units connect and support their entire family.

For new Regiments, Unit HQs or Associations looking to better support your members…