App Support & General Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about the App, Registration and the Military App
Is this an MOD platform? What about OFFICIAL comms?
The Military App is not an MOD platform, no OFFICIAL + comms are sent through the platform. The App should be installed on personal devices like other publicly accessible platforms, the Web App is recognised by MODNet and can be accessed as such. Our advice to new member Regiments / Corps is to add the Military App to your list of registered social media channels and follow the same strict content filters for these in accordance with guidelines set by Army Comms (or equivalent).
How do I make Connections and find other members?
You can search for other members in the Mobile and Web App. You can search by regiment, location, tour/base as well as industry and years of service.
I am having difficulty selecting service type, date or selecting a regiment from the menu when setting up my account…
Very rarely we see that some devices have trouble selecting an item from a menu. This can often be cause by a phone’s unpredictable touch screen sensitivity. If you are getting stuck and cannot complete a section we advise you log in to the web-app from your laptop either using the sign-in page on your regimental website or below and you can complete your profile settings using your home computer.
My app directs me to Update my version but in the app store I cannot update
When we release a new update we trigger a notification forcing you to update your version so that you don’t miss out on new features or benefits. Occasionally we trigger this update before your phone has refreshed its version of the App / Play Store content so it will show that there is no update available. Here you will need to refresh your app store by swiping down or opening and closing the app store. If you can’t solve the issue you can wait a few hours and by that stage your app store should have refreshed. Always check you phone is connected to the internet.
My account is activated but I have forgotten my password?
Select Forgotten my Password link underneath the password section. This will send you a password reset code to your email that you will have 10 minutes to input.
I have activated my account and on trying to login again the app won’t recognise my email or password…
Please double check your email and password have no errors - this is normally the problem. If you think you may have forgotten your password, select Forgotten my Password link underneath the password section. This will send you a password reset code to your email that you will have 10 minutes to input. If the problem persists please email stating your problem.
When I go to register through the “No account yet? Register” section after filling in my details it says user already exists…
This will mean you have already registered this email. So look in your email box for an email from containing your 6 digit Unique Verification Code and then follow Step 3 above.
What if I cannot find my Unique Verification Code in my email?
The normal causes of this are to check in your Junk and Unfocused mail boxes. If nothing there then it may be due to a typo when you registered that is causing your submitted email to be faulty. Please also check if your mailbox is full as that may cause emails to bounce back. If you cannot find it please email stating “Can’t Find Code”
My device won’t let me select a group from the menu…
Please ensure you are using a smart phone and not an iPad or different device. If the problem persists and you have asked a friend or family member to check, please contact
I don’t have a Group Code…
Please check your emails for a recent email from your Association about the app. If you cannot find it you can request this from your Association secretaries or during the App Registration process.
Can I access the app from an iPad, laptop or computer?
Yes but you should only access the web app from a computer or tablet. The web app can be found either on your regimental website on the members’ sign-in page or

Still having trouble?

If you have tried some of the above steps and are still having a problem (don’t worry, this can be quickly solved) please email letting us know your issue and we will help you get set up ASAP.

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