Our Regimental Communities

Since October 2022, ten Regimental Communities have signed up to the Military App platform and we are receiving excellent feedback. We provide each Regimental Community with private groups and their own Regimental feel, however, we are seeing excellent collaboration and cross-over between members from different Regiments in localised activities.

Royal Anglians

We are currently working with the Royal Anglian Regimental Family to launch Royal Anglian Connect in the Autumn. We look forward ti helping the Royal Anglians better connect and support their community.

The Life Guards and The Blues and Royals

The Household Cavalry were the first to join the Military App, with their Associations and serving Regiments.

  • We worked with the Household Cavalry Association Secretaries to build an awareness campaign ahead of the launch and to on-board their regional groups.
  • 1300+ HCav members downloaded and registered on the App within the first 5 days.
  • We generated 45 new, monthly and localised activities all around the UK and some internationally, engaging HCav members from all generations (many of whom had not engaged with Regimental events for many years)
  • We have worked alongside the Blues and Royals Association in support of successful AFCFT and Veterans' Foundation grant applications.

"The Military App and its activities have exponentially increased the number of in-person touch points for our veterans and families. When we launched in late 2022 we saw large numbers of our members registering on the app and with over 40 new, local activity groups created all across the UK we've seen a transformational impact. From a survey of SP and veterans engaged in these new activities, 96% said they felt more connected with their Regiment and 89% felt an increased sense of purpose and fulfilment. The Household Cavalry highly recommend the Military App."

Capt (Read) Chris Elliott - Honorary Secretary, The Household Cavalry Associations

The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers

The Fusiliers conducted a thorough Association review, followed by a comprehensive tender process to find the best digital platform to help them connect and support their entire Regimental family (Regular, Reservist, Veteran, Cadet Adult Volunteers and families). From seven companies, including all the prominent web and app platforms currently operating in the Regimental Association space, the Military App was chosen as the best fit and most cost effective.

  • The Fusiliers Connect project is a white label version of the Military App.
  • We built a new website, including the Military App web-App, for the Fusiliers Connect Project.
  • We have worked with the Fusiliers to built 25 new Walk+Talk and Coffee Club activations in support of their App launch.
  • We have worked daily with their RHQ team to help deliver marketing, comms, merchandise, as well as a series of Community Workshops across the country.
  • We have produced a promo film, human content series and imagery in support of the Fusiliers Connect campaign and launch.

"We’ve had over 2000 members of the Fusiliers family sign up to Fusiliers Connect and we are now seeing a Fusilier community (serving, veteran, family) that is better connected than anything we have seen before - walks, breakfasts, coffee clubs, welfare support - all born of an ability to share information and connect the wider Regimental family.

For stretched and often under-resourced Regimental Headquarters and Associations, the Military App service provides a transformative solution without the need for additional in-house skills and capacity. This is why the Fusiliers, after an extensive tender process, selected the Military App as the platform to connect and support our members."

Col (Retd) J W Denny MBE - Regimental Secretary, The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers

Army Air Corps

We have been working with the AAC for over a year now, through a competitive tender process and now helping them grow engagement on EAGLE Connect.

"The Military App is a game-changer for the Army Air Corps and wider Army Aviation community. Following a 6-month review to look at digital platforms that would best support our Serving Personnel and Veteran People Strategy, it was the clear choice in functionality, service and cost. We have over 2000 members on the platform and are seeing growing excitement and engagement around our 'Eagle Connect' project. The Military App Team are a pleasure to work with."

Lt Col Bernie Fowler - Army Air Corps Secretary

Royal Tank Regiment

We are enjoying working with the RTR and have enjoyed seeing how much their Association have embraced the full potential of the platform.

  • We have helped the RTR receive grant funding from The Veterans' Foundation

"As part of our Veterans' Strategy, we wanted to engage quickly with our Serving Soldiers and Association Members.  The RTR were cautious about finding the right digital platform and looking across the Army for what is being used elsewhere. The Military App was clearly the best service to support our Veterans' Strategy.  We are very happy with the service from Allegr and we are already seeing great engagement with veterans and enthusiasm across the Regimental and Association groups."

Capt (Retd) Dean Hutton, Regimental Secretary RTR

Duke of Lancaster's Regiment

The Duke of Lancaster's Regimental Family launched LIONS Connect in July 2024. Working with the LANCS we aim to really consolidate connection and support for veterans in the North West.

  • We have helped the LANCS receive grant funding from The Veterans' Foundation

Mercian Regiment

The Mercian Regimental Family launched Mercian Connect on 1st July  2024 with over 560 members register within the first few days.

  • We have helped the Mercian Regiment receive grant funding from The Veterans' Foundation

Royal Welsh

"Many Regiments face the same challenges in needing to better support, connect and communicate with their Regimental Families.  After extensive research into other platforms and initiatives, The Military App became by far the stand-out solution for us, the service and support provided by them, showed their absolute understanding of the frictions we experience in RHQ’s.  I recommend this fully to other Regiments."

Capt Mike Jones - Assistant Regimental Secretary, The Royal Welsh

The Royal Yeomanry

The Royal Yeomanry approached us as a smaller regiment with limited centralised resources and so chose to go with theMilitary App because we could help them bring so much more to their members than the other digital platforms on offer and for far less cost

  • From agreement to launch in under 3 weeks
  • The Military App team helped the RY Community launch at Cavalry Sunday, capturing media on the day and mingling with their members at their main social event to spread the word and explain the app
  • Excellent engagement from serving soldiers

Op Belonging

Op Belonging is the new digital hub for the Foreign and Commonwealth military community.

Veteran Games & Conference

The Veteran Games & Conference were the first non-Regimental veterans' charity to join the Military App community. We are delighted to be working with such an impactful organisation that bridges so many veteran support charities and holds connection and well-being at its core.

Transforming the way Regiments and Military Units connect and support their entire family.

For new Regiments, Unit HQs or Associations looking to better support your members…